2017 Safety Week
The week of May 8, through May 12, is scheduled to be the third annual company sponsored safety week here at Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company (KNCC). Each of our KNCC Offices in Bend, Portland and Pendleton will participate in the week-long safety education and training event which is in conjunction with “Oregon Break for Safety.”
During the safety week, each jobsite throughout the State will have informative talks about safety, job site hazards and KNCC’s continued commitment to safety. These events will be interactive and informative, promoting training, awareness and education for each of our employees and subcontractors. Several individual jobsite barbeques are scheduled throughout the week and on Friday May 12, employees are invited to a barbeque hosted by KNCC management at the Bend Office where tools and safety equipment will be given away during a company sponsored raffle.
This event is planned each year and organized by the Kirby Nagelhout Construction Company Safety Committee.