Safety and Quality are never achieved by accident. They are the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction, and skillful execution. They represent the wise choice of many alternatives.
Our safety program reflects what is best about us; it represents the core values of our company. While we fully understand the economic benefits of a safe work environment, and the legal and fiduciary obligations that are borne by employers, those are not the reasons we strive to continually improve our safety standards. The truth is, we know our employees. We know their families. Our company has grown up in a small community, in a place where your conduct and practices become self-evident, and where employers and employees are also neighbors. We do not accept the idea that any person is expendable, that any injury is acceptable, or that expediency relieves one of their obligation of due diligence in regard to safety.
Experience has taught us that there is a direct link between quality, productivity, and safety. Better quality work is produced on clean, safe jobsites. High quality, productive personnel stay with companies that watch out for their well being while working. And on projects where safety becomes an organizing principle, organized work follows.